Church Life

Life Groups

Hillside Church Gateshead - Get Involved Together | Church Life

Our midweek Life Groups provide opportunities for people to meet together, mainly in homes around the parish, for Bible Study, prayer, friendship and looking after one another (Life Groups are on hold at the moment –  to be updated)

Please use the  Life Groups for more information.

Hillside Church Gateshead - Get Involved Together | Church Life

Our Worship Team

The Worship team is made up of volunteer musicians and singers who are passionate about contributing their musical gifts and talents to lead the church in heartfelt, passionate worship.

Being part of the worship team is a blessing, a privilege and responsibility.

We aim to  lead people in music worship, to make it as easy as possible for them to meet with Jesus, come to know Him, worship him and experience his love for them.

Hospitality and Catering Team

Hillside Church Gateshead - Get Involved Together | Church Life

Food has been a vital part of Hillside life for a number of years. Prior to Covid, we have had an enthusiastic Catering Team skilled in providing hospitality at a Sunday Cafe Church, Deanery and Diocese events. 

Our Catering Team  currently serve food, on a Friday, 10am to 3pm at our pay as you feel Joshua Tree Cafe held in the Hillside Community Hub (All Saints Church Hall  Lobley Hill).