Do you know someone who is Isolated or Alone?
Who’ll pick up the phone?
We will…
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What is Two’s Company?
‘Two’s Company’ is a telephone befriending programme run through churches across the UK. Many people are isolated now more than ever and this approach provides a way for local people to stay in touch by telephone on a regular basis.
Volunteers are all vetted and trained. They are warm, friendly people who are ready to chat and encourage someone who is feeling lonely.
For further information
Contact our coordinator Linda at hillsidechurchoffice@gmail.com
Tel 0191 4220445
Read on…
Hillside Church partners with Linking Lives https://linkinglives.uk/ a charity organisation seeking to cultivate ways of addressing lonliness and isolation. Two’s Company is the approach being taken by Hillside Church.
We match a volenteer to you or your loved one and through telephone contact just chat about what ever. The frequency of calls is agreed with the person, ranging from weekly to monthly.
Next Step…
Contact our coordinator Linda at hillsidechurchoffice@gmail.com
Tel 0191 4220445