Sunday Services 10.15

Our Pattern of Gargerings

Holy Communion – Sunday Gathering – All Age Sunday

All Saints Lobley Hill

Hillside Church Gateshead - Get Involved Together | Sunday Services  10.15

Holy Communion 1st and 4th Sunday of the month

There is a play area at the back of the church available for the younger ones.

Sunday Gathering 2nd and 5th Sunday of the month

More time for sung worship and hearing the message.

All Age Sunday 3rd Sunday of the month

All Age Sunday is a great place to bring friends and family.

This is a more informal style of church where we hope you will find joy in God.

There is a play area available for the younger ones.

Messy Church, St Cuthbert’s Marley Hill

1st Sunday of the month

Messy Church is a mix of crafts, songs, stories, activities, fun, food and friendship.

It’s for the whole family and happens 3.00 pm – 5.00pm.

‘We live in a messy world – why not get messy in Church’